Jun 16, 2023AI RIDERBILLIE FULFORD-BROWN - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/SYNTHETIC RIDER V1.5 Client expressly agrees not to utilize any portion of the recording...
Nov 28, 2020Is a script all I need to prepare an Audiobook for narration? What is in my dream pack and what are my absolute ideals from an Audiobook Publishing house when I get sent a new book to work on? I open...
Nov 5, 2020How do you narrate an Audiobook?When I tell people I am an audiobook narrator, most people ask things like, “how long does it take to narrate a book?” or, “how does it...
Oct 22, 2020Welcome to my face How I became an Award Winning International Voice Over artist. I say this because I am a voice over artist, so it is possible that you’ve...